Bitget is a leading crypto exchange and one of the most trusted crypto social trading platforms.
You can conduct copy, spot, and futures trading on the exchange.
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Once you’re on Bitget, select the menu icon > Learn2Earn > select the current quiz.
This guide contains the Bitget Pre Market quiz answers (Learn2Earn) to get 10 points to redeem USDT for free (Your Gateway to Early Coin Trading).
Bitget Pre Market Quiz Answers
Question: What is Bitget pre-market trading?
Answer: Designed for trading new coins before their official launch on Bitget.
Question: Which of the following statements is true?
Answer: Buyers and sellers can interact directly on the platform through peer-to-peer transactions.
Question: Which of the following statements is true?
Answer: Bitget will freeze the assets required for the transaction in advance to ensure smooth trading.
Further reading
Bitget Bitcoin Halving Quiz Answers