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Brain Teasers Guessing Game Decode Roblox Answers

Challenge your brain with tricky and fun word puzzles with hundreds of levels.

Brain Teasers Guessing Game requires you to decode word puzzles based on images and text.

You need to type your answer in chat and press enter to see if you’re correct.

For each correct answer and minute played, you’ll earn coins to unlock hints and items.

Premium players get 3x coins, a premium chat tag, sparkles trail, and speed coil.

In this guide, you’ll learn all of the Brain Teasers Guessing Game Decode Roblox Answers by Eggroll’s Studio.

Brain Teasers Guessing Game Decode Roblox Answers

Level 1 to 500:

  1. jack in the box
  2. trail mix
  3. falling in love
  4. tomatoes
  5. broken heart
  6. foreign language
  7. tricycle
  8. square dance
  9. unfinished business
  10. downtown
  11. one in a million
  12. first aid
  13. top secret
  14. once in a blue moon
  15. feeling under the weather
  16. scrambled eggs
  17. for instance
  18. forgive and forget
  19. partly cloudy
  20. reverse psychology
  21. go for it
  22. hidden treasure
  23. drumline
  24. good afternoon
  25. side effects
  26. hurry up
  27. i understand
  28. smile
  29. lemonade
  30. an eye for an eye
  31. painless operation
  32. undercover agent
  33. easy on the eyes
  34. long overdue
  35. breakfast
  36. broken promise
  37. tshirt
  38. high seas
  39. grandma
  40. sign on the dotted line
  41. eliminate
  42. what goes up must come down
  43. elbow grease
  44. growing concern
  45. be on time
  46. tuna fish
  47. paradise
  48. double or nothing
  49. seafood
  50. arch enemies
  51. growing economy
  52. elbow
  53. space invaders
  54. crossing guard
  55. up for grabs
  56. thumbs up
  57. just in case
  58. repeat after me
  59. forgiveness
  60. ready to go
  61. musically inclined
  62. history repeats itself
  63. travel overseas
  64. 3d movie
  65. potatoes
  66. long legs
  67. advice
  68. download
  69. thanks a lot
  70. comfortable
  71. forty years
  72. excuse me
  73. forehead
  74. middle aged
  75. good looking
  76. water fall
  77. wake up
  78. seesaw
  79. missing you
  80. four wheel drive
  81. apple pie
  82. engineer
  83. vegetables
  84. long time no see
  85. polite
  86. fishing hook
  87. touchdown
  88. love at first sight
  89. hiking in the woods
  90. sandbox
  91. love birds
  92. crossbow
  93. eggs over easy
  94. multiple choice
  95. way to go
  96. pardon me
  97. thunderstorm
  98. weekend
  99. microscope
  100. blanket
  101. tennis shoes
  102. summary
  103. teacup
  104. metaphor
  105. bad influence
  106. wise guy
  107. stay indoors
  108. unbroken
  109. summer
  110. indian food
  111. the underdog
  112. tripod
  113. seasoning
  114. discount
  115. keep your eyes on the ball
  116. fortunate
  117. the birds and the bees
  118. sweet tooth
  119. fingers crossed
  120. see eye to eye
  121. sixth sense
  122. breaking point
  123. on second thought
  124. word of mouth
  125. sleep on it
  126. all in a days work
  127. door to door
  128. trillion
  129. backpedal
  130. noodles
  131. surface
  132. hand in hand
  133. mayonnaise
  134. administrator
  135. entree
  136. leftovers
  137. domino
  138. integrate
  139. noisy
  140. no one to call
  141. spacesuit
  142. wide awake
  143. open
  144. justice
  145. exit
  146. tender
  147. warm up
  148. bite back
  149. care for
  150. tombstone
  151. emergency
  152. discoveries
  153. intermediate
  154. advanced
  155. i forget
  156. heat
  157. informal
  158. eiffel tower
  159. you are in trouble
  160. greenhouse
  161. somewhere over the rainbow
  162. happy hour
  163. read between the lines
  164. big picture thinking
  165. the last straw
  166. partial custody
  167. a drop in the bucket
  168. first edition
  169. kick the bucket
  170. spill the beans
  171. face the music
  172. be mine
  173. love is in the air
  174. sweetheart
  175. foot in the door
  176. big bad wolf
  177. trip around the world
  178. swim underwater
  179. red in the face
  180. green eggs and ham
  181. backrub
  182. small potatoes
  183. a finger in the pie
  184. the ball is in your court
  185. let the cat out of the bag
  186. no one to blame
  187. just right
  188. get in shape
  189. backing up
  190. decide
  191. big head
  192. green grass
  193. down hill
  194. inside job
  195. little league
  196. lost in space
  197. playing outside
  198. go on a double date
  199. dive in the pool
  200. stacked deck
  201. grace period
  202. all star game
  203. spinal cord
  204. orginally
  205. fishing for compliments
  206. think outside the box
  207. split pea soup
  208. for once in my life
  209. split level
  210. safety in numbers
  211. head for cover
  212. sitting on top of the world
  213. street corner
  214. in between jobs
  215. made in china
  216. middle of nowhere
  217. backflip
  218. get back in bed
  219. receding hairline
  220. bend over backwards
  221. two wrongs dont make a right
  222. short notice
  223. short end of the stick
  224. nuclear fusion
  225. neon signs
  226. close quarters
  227. fish out of water
  228. handsome
  229. cutting corners
  230. banana split
  231. right angle
  232. overworked and underpaid
  233. polar opposites
  234. out of touch
  235. open house
  236. unbalanced
  237. back to basics
  238. jailbreak
  239. enlightened
  240. middle of the night
  241. seven up
  242. not a day goes by
  243. mixed vegetables
  244. one thing after another
  245. time is on my side
  246. times square
  247. end up behind bars
  248. no excuse for it
  249. monsters inc
  250. 5 star meal
  251. think before you speak
  252. pretty please with a cherry on top
  253. flying high
  254. equally important
  255. you are too wise for me
  256. once upon a time
  257. paradox
  258. mountain
  259. center of gravity
  260. horse back riding
  261. dancing in the rain
  262. white elephant
  263. be inspired
  264. center of attention
  265. inside out
  266. sea water
  267. end of the show
  268. work in progress
  269. eye to eye contact
  270. inbox
  271. therefore
  272. first come first served
  273. settle down
  274. sunrise
  275. desktop
  276. square feet
  277. once in a while
  278. feedback
  279. hijack
  280. caught red handed
  281. thankyou
  282. steam engine
  283. green card
  284. just between you and me
  285. connecting flights
  286. make up
  287. alice in wonderland
  288. too intense
  289. sugar cube
  290. you are out of control
  291. broken record
  292. extended family
  293. periodic table
  294. double vision
  295. tea break
  296. dark room
  297. think big
  298. stay back
  299. half price
  300. green eyed monster
  301. times up
  302. todo list
  303. left for dead
  304. the joke is on you
  305. no biggie
  306. see the big picture
  307. boxing ring
  308. over and over again
  309. i stand corrected
  310. food for thought
  311. headquarters
  312. no way jose
  313. give the green light
  314. heavy metal
  315. mismatch
  316. go down in flames
  317. fair and square
  318. the writings on the wall
  319. easy peasy
  320. fade away
  321. pirate ship
  322. every vote counts
  323. through thick and thin
  324. forbidden fruit
  325. heavy metal band
  326. dont give up on me
  327. searching high and low
  328. ice cream
  329. freebies
  330. holy water
  331. crystal clear
  332. eye shadow
  333. back to square one
  334. one hit wonder
  335. sing in tune
  336. too big to fail
  337. meeting end meets
  338. go on ahead
  339. make a uturn
  340. back in the day
  341. room for dessert
  342. live in peace
  343. triangle
  344. it will all end in tears
  345. two heads are greater than one
  346. time is money
  347. too little too late
  348. feel free
  349. square root
  350. cruel intentions
  351. youll get over it
  352. heart attack
  353. ready for action
  354. up to no good
  355. a friend in need is a friend indeed
  356. tea time
  357. stick around
  358. on the right track
  359. out of the blue
  360. coffee break
  361. stakes are high
  362. equal rights
  363. piano
  364. tuba
  365. too funny for words
  366. a cut above the rest
  367. the wrong end of the stick
  368. side show
  369. tennessee
  370. no two ways about it
  371. endless love
  372. big fish in a little pond
  373. odds and ends
  374. one foot in the grave
  375. platinum
  376. put the past behind you
  377. the aftermath
  378. torn in half
  379. i will be there in a minute
  380. an afterthought
  381. making a monkey out of him
  382. order in the court
  383. makes no difference
  384. down in the dumps
  385. i over ate
  386. calm before the storm
  387. inside information
  388. toucan
  389. free for all
  390. two timer
  391. made in japan
  392. paper cut
  393. noel
  394. 49ers
  395. go up in smoke
  396. play in the yard
  397. son of a gun
  398. never underestimate your enemy
  399. no one lives forever
  400. police undercover
  401. piggy back ride
  402. your eyes are bigger than your stomach
  403. a pair of pants
  404. i over slept
  405. stay over night
  406. t chart
  407. hot under the collar
  408. not for the fainthearted
  409. final answer
  410. stay away from me
  411. red alert
  412. eye of the tiger
  413. more often than not
  414. little mermaid
  415. gold rush
  416. hole in one
  417. shop till you drop
  418. war overseas
  419. fun in the sun
  420. sleeping on the job
  421. foreign affairs
  422. waterfall
  423. start up
  424. deep in thought
  425. first lady
  426. stand in alphabetical order
  427. elevator out of order
  428. backseat driver
  429. with or without you
  430. two in one
  431. incomplete pass
  432. circles under the eyes
  433. foreclose
  434. 6 feet underground
  435. knock on wood
  436. bear in the woods
  437. see for yourself
  438. pain in the neck
  439. corporate downsizing
  440. all things great and small
  441. twenty four seven
  442. mixed emotions
  443. birds eye view
  444. block
  445. bullet
  446. share
  447. proof
  448. dollar
  449. sandal
  450. forensic
  451. monster in disguise
  452. i want to see you tomorrow
  453. vandal
  454. catalog
  455. guidance
  456. lesson
  457. knight
  458. mother
  459. broom
  460. man on the moon
  461. internet
  462. yellow
  463. compassion
  464. hundred
  465. thinking
  466. program
  467. discovery
  468. tennis
  469. like theres no tomorrow
  470. its on the up and up
  471. rows and columns
  472. you are up in arms over it
  473. try to stand up to you
  474. win with ease
  475. reduce
  476. excellency
  477. small print
  478. i am on cloud nine
  479. hit below the belt
  480. head over heels
  481. double check
  482. youre under arrest
  483. two left feet one right foot
  484. third world
  485. heart to heart
  486. half hearted
  487. bigger and better
  488. all hands on deck
  489. forgotten heroes
  490. condescending
  491. whos in charge
  492. an outside chance
  493. its all backwards
  494. last one is a rotten egg
  495. all of the above
  496. dashing through the snow
  497. no end in sight
  498. behind every great man is a great woman
  499. robin hood

Further reading

Guess The Slang Roblox Answers

Guess The Gibberish Roblox Answers

Guess The Singer Roblox Answers


About the author

Lim How Wei

Lim How Wei is the founder of followchain.org, with 8+ years of experience in Social Media Marketing and 4+ years of experience as an active investor in stocks and cryptocurrencies. He has researched, tested, and written thousands of articles ranging from social media platforms to messaging apps.

Lim has been quoted and referenced by major publications and media companies like WikiHow, Fast Company, HuffPost, Vice, New York Post, The Conversation, and many others. One of his articles about the gig economy was quoted by Joe Rogan who hosts The Joe Rogan Experience (arguably the most popular podcast in the world), in the This Past Weekend podcast by Theo Von.

In his free time, Lim plays multiple games like Genshin Impact, League of Legends, Counter-Strike, Hearthstone, RuneScape, and many others. He creates guides, walkthroughs, solutions, and more on games that he plays to help other players with their progression.