Challenge your brain with tricky and fun word puzzles with hundreds of levels.
Brain Teasers Guessing Game requires you to decode word puzzles based on images and text.
You need to type your answer in chat and press enter to see if you’re correct.
For each correct answer and minute played, you’ll earn coins to unlock hints and items.
Premium players get 3x coins, a premium chat tag, sparkles trail, and speed coil.
In this guide, you’ll learn all of the Brain Teasers Guessing Game Decode Roblox Answers by Eggroll’s Studio.
Brain Teasers Guessing Game Decode Roblox Answers
Level 1 to 500:
- –
- jack in the box
- trail mix
- falling in love
- tomatoes
- broken heart
- foreign language
- tricycle
- square dance
- unfinished business
- downtown
- one in a million
- first aid
- top secret
- once in a blue moon
- feeling under the weather
- scrambled eggs
- for instance
- forgive and forget
- partly cloudy
- reverse psychology
- go for it
- hidden treasure
- drumline
- good afternoon
- side effects
- hurry up
- i understand
- smile
- lemonade
- an eye for an eye
- painless operation
- undercover agent
- easy on the eyes
- long overdue
- breakfast
- broken promise
- tshirt
- high seas
- grandma
- sign on the dotted line
- eliminate
- what goes up must come down
- elbow grease
- growing concern
- be on time
- tuna fish
- paradise
- double or nothing
- seafood
- arch enemies
- growing economy
- elbow
- space invaders
- crossing guard
- up for grabs
- thumbs up
- just in case
- repeat after me
- forgiveness
- ready to go
- musically inclined
- history repeats itself
- travel overseas
- 3d movie
- potatoes
- long legs
- advice
- download
- thanks a lot
- comfortable
- forty years
- excuse me
- forehead
- middle aged
- good looking
- water fall
- wake up
- seesaw
- missing you
- four wheel drive
- apple pie
- engineer
- vegetables
- long time no see
- polite
- fishing hook
- touchdown
- love at first sight
- hiking in the woods
- sandbox
- love birds
- crossbow
- eggs over easy
- multiple choice
- way to go
- pardon me
- thunderstorm
- weekend
- microscope
- blanket
- tennis shoes
- summary
- teacup
- metaphor
- bad influence
- wise guy
- stay indoors
- unbroken
- summer
- indian food
- the underdog
- tripod
- seasoning
- discount
- keep your eyes on the ball
- fortunate
- the birds and the bees
- sweet tooth
- fingers crossed
- see eye to eye
- sixth sense
- breaking point
- on second thought
- word of mouth
- sleep on it
- all in a days work
- door to door
- trillion
- backpedal
- noodles
- surface
- hand in hand
- mayonnaise
- administrator
- entree
- leftovers
- domino
- integrate
- noisy
- no one to call
- spacesuit
- wide awake
- open
- justice
- exit
- tender
- warm up
- bite back
- care for
- tombstone
- emergency
- discoveries
- intermediate
- advanced
- i forget
- heat
- informal
- eiffel tower
- you are in trouble
- greenhouse
- somewhere over the rainbow
- happy hour
- read between the lines
- big picture thinking
- the last straw
- partial custody
- a drop in the bucket
- first edition
- kick the bucket
- spill the beans
- face the music
- be mine
- love is in the air
- sweetheart
- foot in the door
- big bad wolf
- trip around the world
- swim underwater
- red in the face
- green eggs and ham
- backrub
- small potatoes
- a finger in the pie
- the ball is in your court
- let the cat out of the bag
- no one to blame
- just right
- get in shape
- backing up
- decide
- big head
- green grass
- down hill
- inside job
- little league
- lost in space
- playing outside
- go on a double date
- dive in the pool
- stacked deck
- grace period
- all star game
- spinal cord
- orginally
- fishing for compliments
- think outside the box
- split pea soup
- for once in my life
- split level
- safety in numbers
- head for cover
- sitting on top of the world
- street corner
- in between jobs
- made in china
- middle of nowhere
- backflip
- get back in bed
- receding hairline
- bend over backwards
- two wrongs dont make a right
- short notice
- short end of the stick
- nuclear fusion
- neon signs
- close quarters
- fish out of water
- handsome
- cutting corners
- banana split
- right angle
- overworked and underpaid
- polar opposites
- out of touch
- open house
- unbalanced
- back to basics
- jailbreak
- enlightened
- middle of the night
- seven up
- not a day goes by
- mixed vegetables
- one thing after another
- time is on my side
- times square
- end up behind bars
- no excuse for it
- monsters inc
- 5 star meal
- think before you speak
- pretty please with a cherry on top
- flying high
- equally important
- you are too wise for me
- once upon a time
- paradox
- mountain
- center of gravity
- horse back riding
- dancing in the rain
- white elephant
- be inspired
- center of attention
- inside out
- sea water
- end of the show
- work in progress
- eye to eye contact
- inbox
- therefore
- first come first served
- settle down
- sunrise
- desktop
- square feet
- once in a while
- feedback
- hijack
- caught red handed
- thankyou
- steam engine
- green card
- just between you and me
- connecting flights
- make up
- alice in wonderland
- too intense
- sugar cube
- you are out of control
- broken record
- extended family
- periodic table
- double vision
- tea break
- dark room
- think big
- stay back
- half price
- green eyed monster
- times up
- todo list
- left for dead
- the joke is on you
- no biggie
- see the big picture
- boxing ring
- over and over again
- i stand corrected
- food for thought
- headquarters
- no way jose
- give the green light
- heavy metal
- mismatch
- go down in flames
- fair and square
- the writings on the wall
- easy peasy
- fade away
- pirate ship
- every vote counts
- through thick and thin
- forbidden fruit
- heavy metal band
- dont give up on me
- searching high and low
- ice cream
- freebies
- holy water
- crystal clear
- eye shadow
- back to square one
- one hit wonder
- sing in tune
- too big to fail
- meeting end meets
- go on ahead
- make a uturn
- back in the day
- room for dessert
- live in peace
- triangle
- it will all end in tears
- two heads are greater than one
- time is money
- too little too late
- feel free
- square root
- cruel intentions
- youll get over it
- heart attack
- ready for action
- up to no good
- a friend in need is a friend indeed
- tea time
- stick around
- on the right track
- out of the blue
- coffee break
- stakes are high
- equal rights
- piano
- tuba
- too funny for words
- a cut above the rest
- the wrong end of the stick
- side show
- tennessee
- no two ways about it
- endless love
- big fish in a little pond
- odds and ends
- one foot in the grave
- platinum
- put the past behind you
- the aftermath
- torn in half
- i will be there in a minute
- an afterthought
- making a monkey out of him
- order in the court
- makes no difference
- down in the dumps
- i over ate
- calm before the storm
- inside information
- toucan
- free for all
- two timer
- made in japan
- paper cut
- noel
- 49ers
- go up in smoke
- play in the yard
- son of a gun
- never underestimate your enemy
- no one lives forever
- police undercover
- piggy back ride
- your eyes are bigger than your stomach
- a pair of pants
- i over slept
- stay over night
- t chart
- hot under the collar
- not for the fainthearted
- final answer
- stay away from me
- red alert
- eye of the tiger
- more often than not
- little mermaid
- gold rush
- hole in one
- shop till you drop
- war overseas
- fun in the sun
- sleeping on the job
- foreign affairs
- waterfall
- start up
- deep in thought
- first lady
- stand in alphabetical order
- elevator out of order
- backseat driver
- with or without you
- two in one
- incomplete pass
- circles under the eyes
- foreclose
- 6 feet underground
- knock on wood
- bear in the woods
- see for yourself
- pain in the neck
- corporate downsizing
- all things great and small
- twenty four seven
- mixed emotions
- birds eye view
- block
- bullet
- share
- proof
- dollar
- sandal
- forensic
- monster in disguise
- i want to see you tomorrow
- vandal
- catalog
- guidance
- lesson
- knight
- mother
- broom
- man on the moon
- internet
- yellow
- compassion
- hundred
- thinking
- program
- discovery
- tennis
- like theres no tomorrow
- its on the up and up
- rows and columns
- you are up in arms over it
- try to stand up to you
- win with ease
- reduce
- excellency
- small print
- i am on cloud nine
- hit below the belt
- head over heels
- double check
- youre under arrest
- two left feet one right foot
- third world
- heart to heart
- half hearted
- bigger and better
- all hands on deck
- forgotten heroes
- condescending
- whos in charge
- an outside chance
- its all backwards
- last one is a rotten egg
- all of the above
- dashing through the snow
- no end in sight
- behind every great man is a great woman
- robin hood
Further reading
Guess The Slang Roblox Answers