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How to Change Your “For You” Page (FYP) on TikTok

Are you looking to change or reset your FYP (For You Page) on TikTok?

Maybe you want to stop annoying Fortnite content from appearing on your FYP.

Or maybe you want to stop seeing cringey TikTokers from your region.

In this article, you’ll learn 7 steps to changing your FYP on TikTok to see only the content that you like.

But before that, make sure to clear your TikTok cache to delete the information of videos that you’ve watched.

You can do so by tapping on the triple-dots icon on your profile > Settings > Clear cache.

  1. Not Interested option
  2. Like videos that you’re interested in
  3. Comment selectively
  4. Follow accounts of interest
  5. Share videos that you like
  6. Replay videos that interest you
  7. Interact less with videos you dislike

1. Not Interested option

TikTok not interested button

You can use the “Not Interested” option to tell TikTok that you’re not interested in a video.

By using the “Not Interested” option, you’ll see less of the video in the future on your FYP.

You might be also given the option to hide videos from the account or the sound used in the video.

Whenever you see a video that you don’t like on your For You Page, you can make use of the “Not Interested” option.

You can find the option by holding down the video for a few seconds or tapping on the share icon.

Each time you see an undesirable video on your FYP, you can use the “Not Interested” option.

Here’s how you can use the option on TikTok:

  1. Hold down the video for a few seconds or tap on the share icon.
  2. Tap on the “Not Interested” option.

After you tapped on “Not Interested”, the video will be hidden and you’ll see less of those types of videos in the future.

Repeat this for other videos that you’re not interested in and over time, your FYP will be changed.

Using the “Not Interested” option is a way for you to get rid of the content you don’t want appearing on your FYP.

However, it will not completely reset it as there are still other steps that you need to take.

2. Like videos that you’re interested in

TikTok like heart

TikTok mentioned in their newsroom that one of the factors that contribute to your FYP is the videos that you’ve liked.

The TikTok For You Page is curated based on user interactions such as the videos that you’ve liked.

Whenever you see a video that you like on your For You Page, make sure to like it for TikTok to recommend similar videos.

When you like a video on TikTok, that type of video will be shown more in your For You Page.

For example, if you like a lot of dancing videos, more dancing videos will be recommended in your feed.

Similarly, if you like videos that contain dogs in them, you’ll see more dog videos.

The TikTok For You Page is curated such that it only shows content that you’re interested in.

As such, you’re more likely to stay on the app for an extending period of time.

By liking videos that you’re interested in, you’re helping the algorithm to better decide the type of content that will be recommended to you.

So, if you want to change your FYP, be sure to like videos that you’re interested in.

3. Comment selectively

TikTok add comment

Videos that you comment on also play a role in what’s being recommended on your For You Page.

When you comment on a video, the algorithm will determine that you’re interested in it and start showing more of these videos in your FYP.

Even if you commented something negative on the video, the algorithm might still think that you’re interested in it.

If you comment on a video, the algorithm will determine that you’re interested in it.

Consequently, you’ll see similar types of the video in your FYP.

Even if you’ve commented something negative, the algorithm might still think that you’re interested in it.

So, if you want to change your FYP, you need to comment more on videos that you like.

Conversely, don’t comment on videos that you’re not into.

Otherwise, TikTok might start recommending you videos that you don’t want to see.

4. Follow accounts of interest

TikTok account profile

According to TikTok, video recommendations on your For You Page are also based on the accounts that you follow.

If you want to influence your FYP to show more videos that you like, you need to start following accounts posting content that you’re interested in.

TikTok recommends videos based on who you follow as well.

If you want to change your FYP on TikTok, you need to start following more accounts posting content that you’re interested in.

If you’re currently following a lot of people, you need to go through your following list.

Then, find accounts that are posting content that you dislike and unfollow them.

Only remain followed to accounts with content that you find interesting.

Once you do so, your FYP will start recommending more videos that are of interest to you.

5. Share videos that you like

TikTok share icon

Along with the videos that you’ve liked and commented on, video recommendations are also based on the type of content that you share.

TikTok also recommends videos on your For You Page based on the type of content that you’ve shared.

For example, if you shared a lot of cat videos, more of it will be recommended on your FYP.

When you share a video on TikTok, it indicates that you’re interested in it.

TikTok will recommend similar videos to the ones that you’ve shared.

For example, if you’re into cat videos, try sharing more videos that have cats in them.

Here’s how you can share a video on TikTok:

  1. Tap on the share icon on the video.
  2. Share the video on your chosen platform (e.g. Whatsapp).

Do note that the Share > Other > Cancel trick does not work on TikTok anymore.

If you’re sharing a video, you need to actually send it to a platform of your choice.

In the past, you can use the trick to increase the share count of a post.

However, the bug has been fixed and the trick will no longer count as a share.

So, if you don’t want to share the video with anyone, you can share the video to yourself.

6. Replay videos that interest you

TikTok text

When your account is fairly new, TikTok learns the type of content that you’re interested in based on your likes, comments, as well as replays.

When you replay a video, it’s an indicator to TikTok that you’re interested in it.

As you account ages, these factors also contribute to the videos that are recommended on your For You Page.

When you replay a video, it’s an indicator to TikTok that you’re interested in it.

So if you want to change the type of videos in your FYP, make sure to replay videos that you like.

On the contrary, don’t replay videos that you’re not interested in if you don’t want similar ones to show up on your FYP.

7. Interact less with videos you dislike

TikTok swipe up

Lastly, if you won’t stop seeing videos that you dislike on your For You Page, you have to interact less with them.

To change your For You Page on TikTok, avoid interacting with videos that you dislike.

This includes liking, commenting, sharing, and replaying the video.

In addition, commenting something negative on the video is not an exception.

If you see a video that you dislike on TikTok, swipe out of it as quickly as possible.

This will minimize your watch time on that video.

Next, if you liked a lot of videos in the past, make sure to unlike the ones that you’re not interested in anymore.

If you want TikTok to stop recommending videos based on what you liked, you have to unlike all of your liked videos.


TikTok curates your For You Page based on many different factors.

When you’re new on TikTok, the app gathers data about you based on your interactions, such as your likes, comments, and replays.

As your account ages, the system continues to learn more about you and curates your For You Page based on your interests.

So if you want to change your FYP, you have to change the way you interact in the app.

If you don’t want to go through the hassle of doing so, your best bet is to create a new account if you want to reset your FYP.

Further Reading

How to Fix “This sound isn’t licensed for commercial use” on TikTok

What is a TikTok handle?

What Does The Green Arrow Mean on Snapchat?

Author: Lim How Wei is the founder of Followchain. Feel free to follow him on Instagram.


About the author

Lim How Wei

Lim How Wei is the founder of followchain.org, with 8+ years of experience in Social Media Marketing and 4+ years of experience as an active investor in stocks and cryptocurrencies. He has researched, tested, and written thousands of articles ranging from social media platforms to messaging apps.

Lim has been quoted and referenced by major publications and media companies like WikiHow, Fast Company, HuffPost, Vice, New York Post, The Conversation, and many others. One of his articles about the gig economy was quoted by Joe Rogan who hosts The Joe Rogan Experience (arguably the most popular podcast in the world), in the This Past Weekend podcast by Theo Von.

In his free time, Lim plays multiple games like Genshin Impact, League of Legends, Counter-Strike, Hearthstone, RuneScape, and many others. He creates guides, walkthroughs, solutions, and more on games that he plays to help other players with their progression.