In Stellar Blade, the fate of humanity hangs in the balance as Earth is invaded by powerful creatures.
Assume the role of EVE with the task of reclaiming earth from the force known as the Naytiba.
Dive into the mysteries of Naytiba, uncover deception, and complete your mission.
The game features beautiful visuals, intense combat, and an immersive story.
In this guide, you’ll learn the location of the Clock Tower (Club Bpema) Passcode in Stellar Blade and how to unlock it.
Clock Tower Passcode in Stellar Blade
The Clock Tower passcode in Stellar Blade is 1225.
You can obtain the password by looking at the giant clock on the clock tower.
The clock’s time is 12:25 as the hour hand is pointing at “12” and the minute hand is pointing at “25”.
After you’ve entered the passcode, the gate will be unlocked.
Further reading
How To Fix Dev Error 5433 In MW3 and Warzone