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How to Delete an NFT Collection on OpenSea

OpenSea allows you to create an NFT collection.

You can do so by navigating to your collections and clicking on “Create a collection”.

After you’ve created a collection, you can add items to it by clicking on “Add item”.

This will save you time because you don’t have to provide the blockchain and collection.

You can also delete your NFT collection if you no longer want it.

If you delete an NFT collection, all of its items will be deleted too.

In this guide, you’ll learn if you can delete an NFT collection on OpenSea and how to do it.

Can you delete an NFT collection on OpenSea?

Yes, you can delete an NFT collection on OpenSea.

However, you need to own all the items in the collection.

If you don’t own all of the items in the collection, you won’t be able to delete the collection.

For instance, if you’ve sold one of your NFTs, you won’t be able to delete it because you don’t own it anymore.

Before you delete an NFT collection, make sure to change its name and URL so that you can re-use it if you decide to create a new collection.

Why can’t I delete an NFT collection on OpenSea?

You can’t delete an NFT collection on OpenSea because you don’t own all of the items in it.

If you own all of the items but you still can’t delete the collection, the OpenSea website might be experiencing issues or there’s ongoing maintainence.

If that’s the case, you need to try again later.

You can check the status of the website here: https://status.opensea.io/.

How to delete an NFT collection on OpenSea

To delete an NFT collection on OpenSea, you need to click on your profile image followed by “My Collections”.

Once you’re in your collections, you need to click on the three dots on the collection that you want to delete and click on “Edit”.

Lastly, scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on “Delete collection” to delete your NFT collection.

Keep in mind that you can only delete an NFT collection if you own all of the items in it.

If you’ve recently sold an NFT in your collection, you won’t be able to delete it.

Here’s how to delete an NFT collection on OpenSea:

1. Go to your collections

My Collections on OpenSea

Firstly, go to OpenSea and connect your wallet if you haven’t already.

After you’ve connected your wallet, click on your profile image on the top navigation bar.

Now, you’ll see multiple options including “Profile”, “Favorites”, “Watchlist”, and more.

Click on “My Collections” to see your NFT collections.

2. Edit your collection

Edit NFT collection on OpenSea

After you’ve clicked on “My Collections”, you’ll see a list of your NFT collections.

Now, you need to navigate to the NFT collection that you want to delete.

Click on the three dots on the collection that you want to delete.

Lastly, click on “Edit” to edit the NFT collection.

3. Click on “Delete collection”

How to delete an NFT collection on OpenSea

After you’ve clicked on “Edit”, you’ll land on the editing page.

On the editing page, you’ll be able to edit the NFT collection.

This includes the image, name, external link, and more.

You can also delete the NFT collection if you no longer want it.

To do so, scroll down to the bottom of the page.

At the bottom of the page, you’ll see a couple of buttons.

This includes “Submit changes” and “Delete collection”.

To delete your NFT collection, click on “Delete collection”.

4. Confirm the deletion of your NFT collection

Delete collection on OpenSea

After you’ve clicked on “Delete collection”, a pop-up message will appear.

Now, you’ll need to confirm the deletion of your NFT collection.

To delete your NFT collection, you need to own all of the items in it.

If you don’t own all of the items in it, you won’t be able to delete the collection.

Before you delete your collection, make sure to change its name and URL.

That way, you can re-use it if you decide to create a new collection.

To confirm the deletion of your NFT collection, click on “Delete collection”.

Deleting an NFT collection on OpenSea will not cost you any gas fees.

You’ve successfully deleted your NFT collection!

All of the items in the collection will be deleted as well.


Deleting an NFT collection is an irreversible process.

Hence, you need to think twice before you decide to delete one.

You can create a new NFT collection at any time after you’ve deleted one.

If you have trouble with deleting your NFT collection, you can try again later.

This is because the OpenSea website might be congested or there’s ongoing maintenance.

You can check the status of OpenSea here: https://status.opensea.io/.

Further reading

How to Connect MetaMask or Coinbase Wallet to OpenSea

How to Get Verified on OpenSea

Is There a Trust Wallet Chrome Extension?

About the author

Lim How Wei

Lim How Wei is the founder of followchain.org, with 8+ years of experience in Social Media Marketing and 4+ years of experience as an active investor in stocks and cryptocurrencies. He has researched, tested, and written thousands of articles ranging from social media platforms to messaging apps.

Lim has been quoted and referenced by major publications and media companies like WikiHow, Fast Company, HuffPost, Vice, New York Post, The Conversation, and many others. One of his articles about the gig economy was quoted by Joe Rogan who hosts The Joe Rogan Experience (arguably the most popular podcast in the world), in the This Past Weekend podcast by Theo Von.

In his free time, Lim plays multiple games like Genshin Impact, League of Legends, Counter-Strike, Hearthstone, RuneScape, and many others. He creates guides, walkthroughs, solutions, and more on games that he plays to help other players with their progression.