Founded by Larry Page and Sergey Brin in 1998, Google is the most popular search engine today.
The search engine is known to have a myriad of easter eggs.
They contain hidden messages, inside jokes, secret games, and more.
If you’ve been using Google for a while, you’ve probably encountered one.
However, easter eggs are not easy to find because they won’t be added to popular searches.
That said, a well-known easter egg is the “Do a barrel roll 10000 times” easter egg.
In this guide, you’ll learn how to do a barrel roll 10000 times on Google, what is the easter egg about, its origin, and more.
Can Google do a barrel roll 10000 times?
Google’s easter egg can only do a barrel roll one time.
However, you can make Google do a barrel roll 10000 times from an external website.
The easter egg is a reference to Star Fox 64, a 1977 Nintendo game.
In the game, Preppy the space rabbit told Fox McCloud to do a barrel roll.
To make Fox McCloud do a barrel roll, you need to press “Z” or “R” twice.
The easter egg originated in 2011 when a software engineer made it to enterain users.
When you search for “Do a barrel roll” on Google, the page will spin once.
It works on most browsers including Safari, Edge, and Chrome.
How to “Do a Barrel Roll 10000 times” on Google
![Do a Barrel Roll 10000 times](
How to make Google do a barrel roll 10000 times:
- Go to
- Search for “Do a barrel roll 10000 times”.
- Click on the “I’m Feeling Lucky” button.
To make Google do a barrel roll 10000 times, you need to go to
Once you’re on, search for “Do a barrel roll 10000 times” and click on the “I’m Feeling Lucky” button.
You’ll then be redirected to Elgoog, which is a website that brings back Google easter eggs.
The page will spin 10000 times before it shatters.
At the top of the search results, you’ll see a few buttons.
You can click on those buttons to make the page spin 20, 5.6, twice, 100, and 10,000 times respectively.
Further reading
How to “Do a Barrel Roll 1000 Times” on Google