Apex Legends is a battle royale game that was released in February 2019.
At the present, the game has over 100 million registered users.
Before you can play Apex Legends, you need to choose a name.
Choosing or changing your name depends on the platform that you use to play Apex Legends.
If you’re using Steam, your Steam name will be your Apex Legends name.
Hence, you can change your Apex Legends name by modifying your Steam name.
On the other hand, if you’re using Origin, your Origin name will be your Apex Legends name.
This article contains 240+ good and cool Apex Legends names and username ideas for boys and girls.
You’ll also learn if Apex Legends names are unique and what is a good username for the game.
Are Apex Legends names unique?
No, Apex Legends names are not unique.
This means that you can use the same name as another user in the game.
In other words, you can use any name that you want.
Changing your Apex Legends name depends on the platform that you use to play the game.
Cross-play is enabled by default, so you’ll be able to play with friends on other platforms.
To add a friend, simply go to the Friends Menu and search for your friend’s username.
What is a good username for Apex Legends?
A good username for Apex Legends is unique and easy to remember.
In addition, it should not contain any numbers or special characters.
This is because adding numbers or special characters to your username will complicate it.
It also makes your username harder to remember.
Since Apex Legends names are not unique, you can choose any name that you want.
This includes simple words in the English Language like “Hunter” or “Legend”.
Good Apex Legends names
- Aizen
- Endeavour
- Doomsday
- Riginex
- Poison
- Abstract
- Akuma
- Altra
- Aries
- Abyss
- Ascend
- Acolyte
- Acid
- Acorn
- Adherent
- Adjacent
- Admire
- Adverse
- Aegon
- Aelyn
- Aether
- Agent
- Akame
- Akashi
- Akira
- Alien
- Alive
- Alloy
- Ally
- Alpha
- Alyssa
- Amber
- Anarchy
- Angel
- Anxiety
- Apathy
- Apex
- Arcane
- Arctic
- Arrow
- Arsenic
- Ashes
- Assassin
- Atomic
- Autumn
- Avery
- Azreal
- Bones
- Bamboo
- Baron
- Based
- Beast
- Berry
- Bionic
- Bishop
- Blade
- Blank
- Blaze
- Blurry
- Caesar
- Calm
- Careless
- Cease
- Chaos
- Chief
- Candy
- Chilly
- Cloudy
- Cryptic
- Cursed
- Darkness
- Deadly
- Ditto
- Dreamy
- Earnest
- Earl
- Elysion
- Envy
- Electro
- Eternity
Cool Apex Legends names
- Essence
- Nebula
- Evolution
- Hatred
- Cryptic
- Lunar
- Faith
- Fancy
- Fear
- Frosty
- Fyrion
- Frieska
- Frenzy
- Fragrance
- Galaxy
- Ghostly
- Godly
- Goldie
- Greed
- Gwyneth
- Gust
- Gumi
- Grumpy
- Gozy
- Gopen
- Hinter
- Habaki
- Hanz
- Hatred
- Hazel
- Hellcat
- Helvtic
- Hexagon
- Hibikki
- Hidanki
- Hikki
- Hitman
- Heroic
- Husen
- Hyaku
- Hyper
- Icarus
- Icey
- Ignite
- Inazuna
- Indigo
- Innocence
- Jarvis
- Javiar
- Jericho
- Jobi
- Joker
- June
- Juzie
- Killa
- Kacy
- Kadal
- Kabal
- Kane
- Kagu
- Kagel
- Kaito
- Kamel
- Kamado
- Kaori
- Kinchi
- Knight
- Knocked
- Kuro
- Kyzen
- Luda
- Landy
- Lanite
- Laravel
- Logic
- Loner
- Lost
- Lucifer
- Luminate
- Lishiro
- Lynch
- Lyon
- Lucky
- Lullaby
Apex Legends name ideas
- Lynn
- Kryptex
- Aztec
- Mirage
- Script
- Paradox
- Magma
- Major
- Maple
- Margon
- Matcha
- Miracle
- Mirael
- Miru
- Mystic
- Moon
- Morsen
- Nagata
- Natsume
- Neptune
- Nexus
- Night
- Nocturne
- Nuisance
- Obscure
- Ocelot
- Ordinary
- Parasite
- Peanut
- Percy
- Pixel
- Proximity
- Queen
- Quill
- Raptor
- Revolution
- Ripper
- Reaper
- Raven
- Razor
- Revault
- Rhythm
- Risky
- Silent
- Secure
- Striker
- Serenity
- Shadow
- Skeleton
- Spider
- Stormy
- Swizzle
- Toxin
- Tempest
- Tenshi
- Tricky
- Undefined
- Unseathe
- Usagi
- Uxoria
- Valarie
- Valentine
- Varel
- Varyn
- Venus
- Violet
- Webster
- White
- Wrath
- Wyvern
- Xyloid
- Xypher
- Yamato
- Yozora
- Zappy
- Zenry
- Zombie
- Zeus
- Zexen
- Zeven
Apex Legends support a whole bunch of platforms.
This includes PlayStation, Xbox, Nintendo Switch, and PC.
For PC, you can play Apex Legends using Origin or Steam.
However, if you’re playing the game on Steam, you need to link it to an EA account.
Did you find an Apex Legends name that you like?
If you did, feel free to use it as your name.
Keep in mind that the names in this list are in no particular order.
If you didn’t find a name that you like, you can come up with your own by using the names in the list as inspiration.
Further reading
175+ Funny Genshin Impact Signatures