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How to Migrate V1 to V2 SafeMoon on Trust Wallet

To migrate V1 to V2 SafeMoon on Trust Wallet, you need to connect Trust Wallet to swap.safemoon.net and swap your SafeMoon to SafeMoon V2 (SFM).

After you’ve swapped your SafeMoon to SafeMoon V2, you need to copy the SafeMoon V2 contract and add it to Trust Wallet.

Lastly, refresh Trust Wallet and you’ll be able to see your SafeMoon V2 balance!

Keep in mind that the address that you’re swapping the tokens needs to be swap.safemoon.net.

If it’s another address, do not swap your tokens or you might be scammed.

You also need to add SafeMoon V2 to Trust Wallet to see it.

This is because Trust Wallet will not automatically add it to your wallet.

Otherwise, you won’t be able to see your SafeMoon V2 balance.

Here’s how to migrate V1 to V2 SafeMoon on Trust Wallet:

  1. Go to swap.safemoon.net and tap on “Connect to a wallet”
  2. Connect to Trust Wallet
  3. Change the network to “Smart Chain”
  4. Swap your SafeMoon to SFM
  5. Agree and tap on “Continue”
  6. Tap on “Migrate”
  7. Tap on “Confirm”
  8. Copy the SafeMoon V2 Contract
  9. Open Trust Wallet and tap on the filter icon
  10. Scroll down and tap on “Add Custom Token”
  11. Paste the SafeMoon V2 contract and save it
  12. Check your SafeMoon V2 balance

1. Go to swap.safemoon.net and tap on “Connect to a wallet”

SafeMoon swap connect to a wallet

Migrate V1 SafeMoon to V2 SafeMoon: swap.safemoon.net.

The first step is to go to swap.safemoon.net.

Make sure the address is swap.safemoon.net and not anything else or you might be scammed.

Once you’re on the website, you need to connect to Trust Wallet.

To do so, tap on “Connect to a wallet” on the top navigation bar.

2. Connect to Trust Wallet

Connect to Trust Wallet on SafeMoon swap

After you’ve tapped on “Connect to a wallet”, you’ll see the “TrustWallet” option.

But before that, you need to select the network.

There are a couple of networks that you can choose from.

This includes the “BSC” network and the “Ethereum” network.

If you’re only holding SafeMoon (and not pSafeMoon), you need to select the “BSC” network.

Lastly, tap on “TrustWallet” to start connecting to Trust Wallet.

3. Change the network to “Smart Chain”

Swap wants to connect to your wallet

After you’ve tapped on “TrustWallet”, WalletConnect will open (if you’re using an iPhone).

On WalletConnect, select “Trust” to connect to Trust Wallet and tap on “Open in Trust Wallet”.

Now, Trust Wallet will be opened and you’ll land on the “Swap wants to connect to your wallet” page.

Again, you need to make sure that the URL is “swap.safemoon.net” and not anything else.

From here, the “Ethereum” network might be selected.

If so, you need to change it to the “BSC” network (Smart Chain).

To do so, tap on “MAIN” and select “Smart Chain”.

Lastly, tap on “Connect” to connect Trust Wallet to SafeMoon Swap.

4. Swap your SafeMoon to SFM

Migrate SafeMoon V1 to V2

After you’ve connected Trust Wallet to SafeMoon Swap, you need to go back to swap.safemoon.net.

Now, you’ll see that your wallet is connected to the website in the top-right corner.

You’ll also see your SafeMoon balance in the “From” field.

If SafeMoon is not selected, you need to select it in the “From” field.

You also need to select “SFM” (SafeMoon V2) in the “To” field.

To migrate SafeMoon V1 to SafeMoon V2, tap on “Max” in the “From” field.

Lastly, tap on “Approve SafeMoon” to approve it.

5. Agree and tap on “Continue”

After you’ve tapped on “Approve SafeMoon”, a pop-up message will open.

The pop-up contains important information that you have to agree on.

Here’s what it says, “Please note that after your SafeMoon has been consolidated into V2 SafeMoon, it will not show a price for a short period of time”.

Followed by, “This is normal. Once a sizable amount of holders begin migrating, the market cap will eventually find a stable price and then it will be displayed. Please be patient during this time”.

Firstly, agree to the terms by tapping on the “I have read and I understand” checkbox.

Then, tap on “Continue” to proceed with the migration.

6. Tap on “Migrate”

Migrate to V2 SafeMoon

After you’ve tapped on “Continue”, you’ll land back on the swapping page.

Now, you’ll see a “Migrate” button.

Tap on “Migrate” to start swapping SafeMoon V1 to SafeMoon V2 (SFM).

7. Tap on “Confirm”

Smart Contract Call

After you’ve tapped on “Migrate”, Trust Wallet will open and the “Smart Contract Call” will load.

Now, you’ll see the asset that you’re sending, the decentralized app that you’re using, and the network fee.

The network fee is the amount that you need to pay for the transaction.

Tap on “Confirm” to confirm the transaction.

8. Copy the SafeMoon V2 Contract

SafeMoon V2 (SFM) contract

SafeMoon (SFM) V2 Contract: https://safemoon.net/.

After you’ve tapped on “Confirm”, go back to swap.safemoon.net.

On swap.safemoon.net, you’ll see the Smart Contract Call as well.

If you go back to Trust Wallet, your SafeMoon balance will disappear.

However, you won’t be able to see your SafeMoon V2 balance yet.

This is because you haven’t added it to Trust Wallet.

To do so, go to https://safemoon.net/ and copy the SafeMoon (SFM) V2 Contract by tapping on the duplicate icon.

9. Open Trust Wallet and tap on the filter icon

After you’ve copied the SafeMoon (SFM) V2 Contract, go back to Trust Wallet.

Once you’re on Trust Wallet, you need to add SFM to see it.

To do so, tap on the filter icon on the top right of your wallet.

10. Scroll down and tap on “Add Custom Token”

After you’ve tapped on the filter icon, the “Tokens” page will open.

Now, you’ll see a list of tokens that you can add to Trust Wallet.

Scroll down the list until you see the “Add Custom Token” option.

Tap on “Add Custom Token” to add a custom token.

11. Paste the SafeMoon V2 contract and save it

Add SafeMoon V2 (SFM) to Trust Wallet

After you’ve tapped on “Add Custom Token”, you’ll be able to add a custom token.

Firstly, paste the SafeMoon (SFM) V2 Contract in the “Contract Address” field.

After you’ve pasted it, the rest of the fields will be autopopulated.

Tap on “Save” to add SFM to Trust Wallet.

12. Check your SafeMoon V2 balance

SafeMoon V2 balance on Trust Wallet

After you’ve added SFM (SafeMoon V2) to Trust Wallet, go back to your wallet.

Firstly, you need to refresh your wallet by swiping down and releasing your screen.

By refreshing your wallet, you’ll see your SFM balance.

You’ve successfully migrated V1 to V2 SafeMoon on Trust Wallet!


Migrating V1 to V2 SafeMoon on Trust Wallet is not that complicated.

You just need to make sure to select the “BSC” network and not the “Ethereum” network.

In addition, you need to make sure that you have enough BNB for the transaction to execute (for the blockchain cost).

If you don’t have sufficient BNB, the transaction will fail.

SafeMoon V2 is an upgraded version of SafeMoon, so it’s highly recommended that you consolidate your V1 SafeMoon to V2 SafeMoon as soon as possible.

The version includes better flexibility, security, and accessibility.

There is no cost for the SafeMoon to convert except for the network fee.

In other words, your amount of V2 SafeMoon will be equal in value to your initial V1 SafeMoon after the conversion.

Further reading

How to Add a Custom Token to MetaMask

How to Fix “Deep Link is not supported” on Trust Wallet

Best Binance Referral ID Code in 2021

About the author

Lim How Wei

Lim How Wei is the founder of followchain.org, with 8+ years of experience in Social Media Marketing and 4+ years of experience as an active investor in stocks and cryptocurrencies. He has researched, tested, and written thousands of articles ranging from social media platforms to messaging apps.

Lim has been quoted and referenced by major publications and media companies like WikiHow, Fast Company, HuffPost, Vice, New York Post, The Conversation, and many others. One of his articles about the gig economy was quoted by Joe Rogan who hosts The Joe Rogan Experience (arguably the most popular podcast in the world), in the This Past Weekend podcast by Theo Von.

In his free time, Lim plays multiple games like Genshin Impact, League of Legends, Counter-Strike, Hearthstone, RuneScape, and many others. He creates guides, walkthroughs, solutions, and more on games that he plays to help other players with their progression.