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If You Accidentally Liked a Photo on Instagram And Then Unlike It, Will They Know?

Did you accidentally like a photo on Instagram and then unliked it?

Accidental liking on Instagram is very common among Instagram users because it’s very easy to make that mistake.

It can occur if you double tapped a photo or tapped on the heart icon while scrolling down a feed.

This mistake can be pretty cringeworthy especially if you’re looking at someone else’s feed that you’re not following.

This article answers whether a person would receive a notification if you accidentally liked their photo and unlike it on Instagram and more.

If you accidentally liked a photo on Instagram and then unlike it, will they know?

So, the question is whether a person knows or will be notified if you accidentally liked then unliked their photo.

If you accidentally liked then unliked a photo, the person will receive a split-second notification, then it will be removed right after you unliked it.

To prove this, I tested it using an alternate account.

Firstly, I used my alternate account to like a photo of my main account.

Then, I went back to my main account and it received a notification that the post was liked.

After which, I unliked the photo using my alternate account and when I went back to my main account, the notification was removed.

If you accidentally like someone else’s Instagram photo and then unlike it, the notification will be removed.

However, if they’re in the app while you like their photo, they will receive a split-second notification.

This means that the person will only be able to know that you accidentally liked their photo if they’re using the app while you’re doing it.

In other words, you’ll need to depend on your luck.

If the person is using the app while you accidentally like then unlike their photo, they will be notified for a moment.

On the other hand, if the person is not on the app while you accidentally like then unlike their photo, they won’t be notified unless they have turned on Instagram notifications.

This mistake can be embarrassing at times because the person might think that you’re stalking them.

Regardless, it’s not really a big deal because most of the times, the person might have missed the notification entirely.

What if you accidentally like a photo on Instagram and then unlike it and block them?

What happens if you blocked the person right after you liked their photo?

If you accidentally like someone else’s photo then block them, your like will be removed.

If you block someone on Instagram, all your likes and comments will be removed. So if you accidentally liked someone else’s photo, the like will be removed as well.

Blocking someone will remove all your previous likes and comments on their posts.

So if you want a quick way to remove all your likes and comments on someone else’s posts, blocking them is the solution.

But what happens if you unblock them? Will your likes and comments re-appear on their posts?

Yes, if you unblock someone, your likes and comments will re-appear on their posts.

To prove this, I tested it using an alternate account.

Firstly, I used my alternate account to like some of the posts from my main account.

Then, I blocked the main account.

Lastly, I unblocked the main account and checked whether the likes will re-appear, and they did.

Hence, if you accidentally liked someone else’s photo on Instagram and then block them, your likes will be removed as well as the notification.

But, if you unblock the person, your likes will re-appear on their posts.

How about if you accidentally like a photo on Instagram and then unlike it and then disable your account?

How about if you accidentally like someone else’s photo on Instagram then disable your account? Will the notification be removed?

If you accidentally liked a photo on Instagram then disable your account, all your likes and comments will be removed, as well as the notification.

All your likes and comments will be removed if you disable your Instagram account.

Disabling your Instagram account will temporarily remove your profile, photos, likes, and comments.

However, disabling your Instagram account is a hassle because you can’t disable it from the Instagram app.

Instead, you have to login to your Instagram account using your desktop or mobile browser.

So, I wouldn’t recommend disabling your account.

This is because as mentioned in the previous sections, unliking a photo on Instagram will remove the notification.

Hence, you don’t have to disable your Instagram account to remove the notification.

You can simply unlike a photo and it will do the trick.

How do I stop accidental liking on Instagram?

How to avoid an accidental like on Instagram

Liking someone’s photo on Instagram by accident can be embarrassing.

It happens to even the best of us.

To stop accidental liking on Instagram, you can enable airplane mode on your device.

If you’re using an iPhone, swipe up and tap on the ‘airplane’ icon.

If you’re using an Android, navigate to settings, tap on ‘more’ in the Wireless & Networks section, and turn airplane mode on.

Enabling airplane mode will prevent your likes from going through.

So you don’t have to worry about accidental likes.

What happens if you unlike then like a photo on Instagram?

What about the other way around — unliking then liking someone else’s photo?

If you unlike then like someone else’s photo, they will receive another notification.

This means that if you unliked someone else’s photo and like it back after some time, they will receive another notification that you liked their post.

People won’t usually take note of this.

So if you unliked someone’s post by accident and like it again, they might not notice that you previously liked their post.

What happens if you like an Instagram photo twice?

Like an Instagram photo twice

What happens if you like an Instagram photo twice?

If you double tap to like an Instagram photo twice, nothing interesting happens.

If you double tap someone else’s photo twice or more than twice, they will not receive multiple notifications.

They will only receive a single notification and the rest of your likes will be ignored by Instagram.

By double tapping an Instagram photo repeatedly, the like animation will be replayed.

A common misconception is that if you double tap a photo on Instagram twice, it will unlike the photo. This is not true.

You can only unlike a photo on Instagram if you tap on the ‘heart’ icon under someone’s post.

You cannot unlike a photo by double tapping it twice.


Accidentally liking a photo on Instagram can be quite embarassing.

This is because the person might deem that you are stalking them.

But don’t worry, if you’ve immediately unliked a photo after liking it, the notification will be removed.

Unless the person is using the app while you’re doing this, they wouldn’t know.

P.S. If you liked this article, feel free to join our follow for follow community for Instagram: https://www.followchain.org — it’s free!

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Author: Lim How Wei. Lim How Wei is the founder of Followchain, a community that simplifies growth and networking for Instagram users. Feel free to follow him on Instagram.


About the author

Lim How Wei

Lim How Wei is the founder of followchain.org, with 8+ years of experience in Social Media Marketing and 4+ years of experience as an active investor in stocks and cryptocurrencies. He has researched, tested, and written thousands of articles ranging from social media platforms to messaging apps.

Lim has been quoted and referenced by major publications and media companies like WikiHow, Fast Company, HuffPost, Vice, New York Post, The Conversation, and many others. One of his articles about the gig economy was quoted by Joe Rogan who hosts The Joe Rogan Experience (arguably the most popular podcast in the world), in the This Past Weekend podcast by Theo Von.

In his free time, Lim plays multiple games like Genshin Impact, League of Legends, Counter-Strike, Hearthstone, RuneScape, and many others. He creates guides, walkthroughs, solutions, and more on games that he plays to help other players with their progression.