When you’re choosing a password, you might be prompted to use lowercase or uppercase letters.
Otherwise, you won’t be able to create a password.
For instance, if you’re creating a Zoom account, your password must include both uppercase and lowercase letters.
Platforms like Zoom has this restriction to make your password harder to guess.
This will prevent others from accessing your account using a brute-force attack.
This is because it increases the number of letter combinations that the attacker has to guess.
In this guide, you’ll learn what is a lowercase or an uppercase password as well as examples of them.
What is a lowercase password?
A lowercase password contains letters in small caps (small capital letters).
An example of a lowercase password is “apple”.
Lowercase letters are the most common letters.
They can’t be used to start a sentence or mention a noun.
If you’re required to use lowercase letters in your password, you can use these letters “a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z”.
What is an uppercase password?
An uppercase password contains capital letters.
An example of an uppercase password is “APPLE”.
However, most platforms require you to include a mix of lowercase and uppercase letters.
An example of a password containing both lowercase and uppercase letters is “fRuits”.
In most cases, only one letter needs to be capitalized.
If you’re required to use uppercase letters in your password, you can use these letters “A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z”.
Lowercase and uppercase password example
Here are some examples of passwords containing both uppercase and lowercase letters:
- fRuits
- Apple
- oRangeS
- PeaR
- pineapplE
- GrapeFruit
- HoneyDew
- dragonFruit
For an uppercase + lowercase password, only a minimum of one uppercase letter is required.
Having only one uppercase letter in your password will make it easier for you to remember it.
Some platforms require you to add numbers or symbols to your password as well.
Numbers include “1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9” and symbols include “# $ @ % &”.
An example of a well-rounded password is “Apple#1357”.
Further reading
What Does “Following” Mean on Facebook?