In Mad Island, players craft, explore, build, farm, fish, capture creatures, and battle to escape an island.
After a cruise shipwreck, you wake on an island with another protagonist, switching between them as you search for friends.
The island has enemies who can become allies and hosts natives who can be enslaved for labor.
Customize characters, craft various items, and level up skills through battles and exploration.
This article contains a Mad Island moral guide (morale management) to increase it (and why is it in the negatives).
Mad Island Moral Management
Mad Island moral guide:
- Beds must be in a house (Native hut = 2 leaf beds | Wooden house = Dorm with 4 beds).
- Only 1 house is needed for a villager’s territory (they are not smart enough to check another house if their first choice is full).
- Natives must be within range of a well or a food box (food fuels healing and water fuels work).
- If you can’t solve the interpersonal problems of your villages, change the “allow love” switch to prevent them from having personal relationships.
Further reading
How to Get All Followers in Mad Island