Studocu is a website for students to share and download study materials from all over the world.
Their mission is to help students to succeed in their studies by providing the best tools to study better.
The website has more than 5 million study materials like documents and notes.
80% of the content on the website is free while the remaining 20% is paid.
To unlock premium content, you need to purchase a premium subscription.
Alternatively, you can upload your own documents to unlock premium content for free.
Here is the free Studocu downloader or unlocker that you can use to get summaries, exam prep, lecture notes, and more.
- Is Studocu free?
- Studocu pricing
- How to download Studocu documents for free
- How to download Studocu documents
Is Studocu free?
Studocu is 80% free and 20% paid with premium content.
In other words, you can view 80% of the documents for free.
For the remaining 20% of documents, you need to have a premium account to access them.
Alternatively, you can upload 10 documents to access premium content for free.
Studocu pricing
Studocu’s pricing is different for each country.
If you’re living in Singapore, the annual plan costs $4.79 SGD per month and you’ll be billed $57.48 every 12 months.
The quarterly plan costs $8.09 SGD per month and you’ll be billed $24.27 every 3 months.
You can pay using a credit/debit card, PayPal, or Google Pay.
How to download Studocu documents for free
To download Studocu documents for free, you need to upload 10 documents or more.
You can also start a 30-day free trial to download documents and view premium content.
Alternatively, you can take multiple screenshots of the document that you want to download.
To do so, press the “WIN” + “Shift” + “S” keys to use the Windows Snipping tool.
Method 1: Upload 10 documents
Upload 10 documents to earn free premium access:
- Go to
- Select “Register” and create an account.
- Log in to your account and select “Upload”.
- Upload 10 valid Pdf, Doc, or Docx files.
- You’ll get free premium access for 20 weeks and unlimited downloads/views!
Do note that their system will check any document that you upload.
The process includes comparing the uniqueness of your document against their database.
If your document does not meet its criteria, it will be rejected
Studocu will not publish materials that are rejected.
Method 2: Start a 30-day free trial
Start a 30-day free trial to have unlimited access to all documents:
- Go to
- Select “Register” and create an account.
- Log in to your account and select “Upgrade”.
- Scroll down and click on the “Get a free 30-day trial” button.
- Select a plan, choose your payment method, and select “Start free trial pay after 30 days”.
Starting a free trial will allow you to have unlimited access to all documents.
You’ll be first billed 30 days later and you can cancel at any time.
If you don’t want to pay, make sure to cancel your free trial before it ends.
Otherwise, you’ll be charged for the annual or quarterly plan (depending on what you’ve selected).
How to download Studocu documents
To download Studocu documents, navigate to the document and select “Download”.
Keep in mind that the premium subscription has a limit of 50 documents per day.
You can only download 100 documents per month.
If you’ve reached the daily limit, you need to wait for 24 hours to download documents again.
If you’ve reached the monthly limit, you need to wait for 30 days.
Instead of downloading materials, you can save them by clicking on the “Save” button.
This will allow you to go back to the material in the future.
Another way is to screenshot the page by pressing the “WIN” + “Shift” + “S” keys to use the Windows Snipping tool.