The Library is the second escape room in Escape Simulator in Edgewood Mansion.
In this quick guide, you’ll learn the answers for The Library in Edgewood Mansion in Escape Simulator.
This includes the box, butterfly paintings, gramophone lock, fireplace, and clock.
1. The Box

Open the right cabinet and drag the books aside.
Click and drag the rope and collect the key.
Collect the green book containing a key icon.
Open the green book and collect the small key.
Use the key from the rope to unlock the left cabinet and collect the box.
Collect the Lock Book on the right shelf.
Inspect the Lock Book and use the small key to open it.
Page 6 and 7 of the book contains 5 red letters.
The 5 red letters spell out, “Dream”.
Inspect the box and enter “D”, “R”, “E”, “A”, “M” to unlock it.
Open the box and collect the thermometer.
2. Butterfly Paintings

You need to start with an orange butterfly wing (left) and end with a brown butterfly wing (right). In addition, identical butterfly wings need to be connected from the start to the end. For example, if the right wing of the first butterfly is brown, the left wing of the second butterfly needs to be brown. If the right wing of the second butterfly is red, the left wing of the third butterfly needs to be red. According to this logic, the correct order of the paintings is 3, 8, 5, 7, 2.
Collect the eighth butterfly painting on the right cabinet.
Open the left drawer on the desk and collect the papers.
Collect the second butterfly painting on the right shelf.
According to the papers, identical butterfly wings should be connected.
You need to start with an orange wing and end with a brown wing.
Identical butterfly wings also need to be connected from the start to the end.
The correct order for the butterfly paintings is 3, 8, 5, 7, 2.
Hence, the correct combination for the combination lock is 3, 8, 5, 7, 2.
Collect the vinyl piece and the crow.
Move the brown book out of the way and collect the other vinyl piece.
3. Gramophone Lock

The combination to the gramophone lock is represented by the number of hoots, caws, and screeches that come out of the gramophone. The number of the Owl model is “9”. Hence, a hoot represents the number “9”. The number of the Crow model is “3”. Hence, a caw represents the number “3”. Finally, the number of the Eagle model is “1”. Hence, a screech represents the number “9”. Therefore, the combination to the lock is 9, 3, 9, 1 as there is a hoot, caw, hoot, and screech.
Open the right drawer under the butterfly paintings and collect the vinyl piece.
Now, your inventory should contain 3 vinyl pieces.
Place the vinyl pieces on the gramophone.
Click on the arm of the gramophone to place it on the vinyl.
Click on the handle to start playing the vinyl.
You’ll hear 4 sounds—“Hoot”, “Caw”, “Hoot”, “Screech”.
The owl, crow, and eagle models represent a number each.
Owl = 9, Crow = 3, and Eagle = 1.
Hence, the combination to the gramophone lock is 9, 3, 9, 1 (hoot, caw, hoot, screech).
Collect the matchbox from the drawer.
4. The Fireplace

The quote on the thermometer says, “To my dear wife, My love will always be like a burning fire”. Hence, you need to light the fireplace (using a lighted matchstick) and place the thermometer inside it to open it.
Take out a matchstick from the matchbox.
Drag the matchstick to the side of the matchbox to light it up.
Use the matchstick on the fireplace to light it up.
Place the thermometer inside the fireplace.
After you’ve placed the thermometer inside the fireplace, it will be opened.
5. The Clock

Inspect the opened thermometer.
The thermometer has three temperatures.
This includes “Middle”, “Bottom”, and “Top”.
The thermometer also says, “Full Moon” and “Midnight”.
Navigate to the clock and set it to “Full Moon”, the time to “Midnight”, and “Middle”, “Bottom”, “Top”.
You’ll then be able to escape The Library in Edgewood Mansion!
Further reading
Escape Simulator Brain Checkup Walkthrough