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Why Did My Instagram Account Get Deleted For No Reason?

Did Instagram delete your account for no reason?

If your Instagram account is deleted, you might be wondering what is the cause of it and how you can restore it.

It can be frustrating because Instagram won’t state the specific reason to why your Instagram account got deleted.

Is it because you’ve used a third-party app or automation?

If not, what is the specific Terms of Use or Community Guideline that you have violated?

Instead of stating the specific reason why your account was deleted, a generic pop-up message is shown.

The worst part is that Instagram might have deleted your account by mistake.

You might have spent countless of hours of your time growing your account, but Instagram has disabled your account for no apparent reason.

Many Instagram users faced this issue before, so you’re not alone.

Fortunately, there are methods that you can use to get your account back.

In this article, you’ll learn why your Instagram account got deleted, how to restore it, and more.

Table of Contents

  1. Why Did My Instagram Account Get Deleted?
  2. How to restore a deleted Instagram account
  3. How long until Instagram deletes your account?
  4. Do reported Instagram accounts get Deleted?
  5. How do you tell if your Instagram account has been deleted?
  6. Conclusion

Why Did My Instagram Account Get Deleted?

Instagram account deleted

Your Instagram account got deleted either because you’ve violated one or more of Instagram’s Community Guidelines or because of a mistake.

If your Instagram account got deleted, you either violated one or more of Instagram’s Community Guidelines, or because of a mistake.

If your account got deleted for violating one or more of Instagram’s Community Guidelines, there can be many reasons for it.

Firstly, it might be because you’ve posted illegal activities.

Instagram does not allow the sharing of illegal activities such as promoting terrorism, hate groups, or crimes.

The sale of illegal goods and services is also prohibited.

If you happen to share something illegal on Instagram, your account will be disabled for it.

Secondly, inappropriate content is not allowed on the platform.

Posting inappropriate content is one of the easiest ways you can get your account disabled on Instagram.

If you have a decent number of followers, one or more of them might report your content.

If Instagram confirms that your content violates its community guidelines, your account may be disabled.

Before that, Instagram will warn you if your account could get disabled in an in-app notification.

In some cases, you may be able to appeal in the app itself before Instagram deletes your account.

Next, you cannot post threats that could lead to death or injury.

Examples of these threats are statements to commit, advocate, or intend violence.

Lastly, if you didn’t violate any of the guidelines above, Instagram might have deleted your account by mistake.

If that’s the case, you can restore your Instagram account.

How to restore a deleted Instagram account

How to restore a deleted Instagram account

You can restore a deleted Instagram account by filling up the “My Instagram account has been deactivated” form in Instagram’s Help Centre.

If your Instagram account is disabled, you can restore it by filling up the “My Instagram account has been deactivated” form in Instagram’s Help Centre.

However, if you requested to permanently delete your Instagram account, you won’t be able to get it back as it will be removed from Instagram’s database.

However, if you deleted your Instagram account, you won’t be able to get it back.

If you deleted your Instagram account manually, you can’t access it anymore as it is removed from Instagram’s database.

However, if your account is disabled by mistake, you’ll be able to get back your Instagram account easily.

You can do that by going to Instagram’s Help Centre and filling up the “My Instagram account has been deactivated” form.

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how you can do this:

  1. Visit the “My Instagram account has been deactivated” form.
  2. Select yes/no on to indicate whether your account represents a business, product, or service.
  3. Fill your full name, Instagram username, email address, and country.
  4. If your account represents a business, product, or service, you have to provide verification of your business in JPEG.
  5. Tap on “Send” to send the form.

Once you sent the form, you’ll get an email verification on your email, and you can either take a selfie or purchase one from Fiverr.

In the event that your Instagram account got disabled twice, you may not be able to get a code on your email.

If that’s the case, you can use a random email instead of your real one.

The Instagram support team does not check the original email on your account so it won’t matter.

After you get the code, Instagram will typically take a few hours to a couple of days to respond.

So, just be patient and avoid filling up any other forms while you’re awaiting the response.

Many Instagram users have got back their Instagram accounts by filling up this form, so don’t panic and wait.

How long until Instagram deletes your account?

Delete Instagram account

Instagram will not delete your account without your consent.

Your Instagram account will only be deleted if you’ve requested to delete your account from the “Delete Your Account” page.

Instagram will not delete your account without your consent.

An Instagram account will not be deleted even if it’s inactive for a very long time.

Your Instagram account will only be deleted if you’ve requested to delete your account from the “Delete Your Account” page.

Once you requested your account for deletion, it’ll take 30 days for it to be permanently deleted from Instagram.

An Instagram account will not be deleted even though you haven’t used it in a long time.

Similarly, if you deactivated your Instagram account, it will not be automatically deleted.

Instagram will not delete your account if you deactivate it, so you can keep your account deactivated for as long as you want.

Your Instagram account will be deleted only if you’ve requested it for deletion in your account.

After you requested your account for deletion, it’ll normally take 30 days for it to be deleted.

Once your account is deleted, you won’t be able to access or restore it.

Everything that has to do with your account (e.g. Your profile picture, username, photos, videos) will be removed as well.

Do reported Instagram accounts get Deleted?

How to report a post on Instagram

Only reported Instagram accounts that violated Instagram’s Community Guidelines or Terms of Use will be deleted.

Not all reported Instagram accounts get deleted.

When you report a post on Instagram, it will only be taken down if it violates Instagram’s Community Guidelines or Terms of Use.

An Instagram account will be deleted only if it repeatedly violates Instagram’s Guidelines.

To report an Instagram post, tap on the triple-dots icon at the top-right of the post > Report > It’s Spam/It’s Inappropriate.

If a reported account did not violate Instagram’s Community Guidelines or Terms of Use, it will not be deleted.

When a post is reported, it’ll typically go through Instagram’s moderation team.

The moderators will review the post, and if it violates one or more of Instagram’s Community Guidelines, they will take it down.

However, an account that got their post taken down for the first time will not get deleted.

Instead, they will receive an in-app warning stating that their account might be disabled.

If the person posts one or more photos/videos after getting the in-app warning, their account has a high chance of getting disabled.

This begs the question: How many reports does it take for an Instagram account to be disabled?

The answer is that there isn’t a fixed number of reports for an account to be disabled on Instagram.

The quality of reports does not matter on Instagram.

This means that a post can receive hundreds of reports, but if it doesn’t violate Instagram’s Community Guidelines, it will not be removed.

Neither will their account be disabled for it.

After you report a post on Instagram, you’ll either receive a notification that the post is removed, or that it doesn’t violate Instagram’s Community Guidelines.

So if the post is deleted, you’ll be notified of it from the notifications tab.

Yet again, if it’s the first time that the account posted something that violates Instagram’s Guidelines, their account will not be disabled immediately.

Instead, they’ll receive a warning that states that their account is at risk of getting disabled if they continue to post inappropriate content.

How do you tell if your Instagram account has been deleted?

How do you tell if your Instagram account has been deleted?

To tell if your Instagram account is deleted, you will not be able to log in to it.

If your Instagram account is deleted, you will not be able to log in to it.

When you try logging in to a deleted Instagram account, you will receive a message saying that your account has been disabled for violating Instagram’s terms.

When you try logging in to your account, you will receive a message saying that your account has been disabled for violating Instagram’s terms.

To know if someone’s account is deleted, you can search for their username on Instagram.

If you visit someone’s profile and there’s a “User Not Found” error, that means that their account might be deleted.

Otherwise, the person might have blocked you.


Instagram is known for disabling accounts by mistake, enforcing ridiculous blocks, and falsely taking down posts.

With over a billion monthly active users, moderating posts can be a challenge for Instagram, as quoted by Gennie Gebhart (EFF associate director of research).

In order to prevent getting your account deleted, you need to familiarize yourself with Instagram’s Terms of Use and Community Guidelines.

At the end of the day, preventing your Instagram account from getting disabled will avert you from going through the dreaded process of restoring it.

Further Reading

How to Contact Instagram Support

How to Know If You Are Shadowbanned on Instagram

What Does ops Mean on Instagram?

Author: Lim How Wei is the founder of Followchain. Feel free to follow him on Instagram.


About the author

Lim How Wei

Lim How Wei is the founder of followchain.org, with 8+ years of experience in Social Media Marketing and 4+ years of experience as an active investor in stocks and cryptocurrencies. He has researched, tested, and written thousands of articles ranging from social media platforms to messaging apps.

Lim has been quoted and referenced by major publications and media companies like WikiHow, Fast Company, HuffPost, Vice, New York Post, The Conversation, and many others. One of his articles about the gig economy was quoted by Joe Rogan who hosts The Joe Rogan Experience (arguably the most popular podcast in the world), in the This Past Weekend podcast by Theo Von.

In his free time, Lim plays multiple games like Genshin Impact, League of Legends, Counter-Strike, Hearthstone, RuneScape, and many others. He creates guides, walkthroughs, solutions, and more on games that he plays to help other players with their progression.